
Magic Matthew I

When I was three years old, my father began filming me attempting magic tricks. I found the tape a few weeks ago and have started to put together a series entitled: Magic Matthew.



  1. Most amazing video ever, Matt! Favorite part: the pin hitting you in the head and you calmly saying "ow". <3 <3 can't wait for more Magic Matthew!

  2. hahahahahaha

    Awesome!!! I love how every time you'd throw them, you'd back up away from them instead of trying to catch them. Classic little kid logic!

  3. Now VH1 has embarrassing footage for ten years down the line when they do a Behind The Music or other biographical documentary on the band.

  4. i KNEW that you were a cute kid.
    totally called that like...months ago.
    i watched this at one in the morning and my brain was basically melted so i thought this was your long lost sibling or something.

    but this is really wonderful.
