
Welcome to Nashville!

If you haven't picked up on it yet, We The Living has officially moved to Nashville, Tennessee (because you're the only ten I see! lollll get it?).

Now I know you might be saying to yourself, "But Nashville is the country music capital of the world! Is We The Living going honky tonk?!" I'm not going to entirely rule it out (especially if we ever plan on going on tour with Taylor Swift), but no, We The Living is not going honky.

Since Nashville is the beating heart of our touring route, we figured it'd be nice to have a hub to do laundry every once in a while (instead of making the two day trek across the country just to wash our boxer-briefs... yeah, we wear boxer briefs. Cat's outta the bag. I just seriously typed "outta." I need a nap. Or maybe some coffee. I'm going with the latter. Anyway, back to the narrative.). Uh... oh right, laundry...

So, anyway, Nashville is now our new home. And we love it. I think that since moving here, we've stolen Nashville's heart. And in return, they stole something of ours...

After a a full day driving to and playing in Bloomington, IN (where we played for 7,000 Boy Scouts. Don't ask.), we returned to Nashville at 6:00AM to find that our house had been broken into. And we looked around for a few minutes without realizing anything was missing. My bed was upturned, my desk drawers opened and the contents strewn about the ground. Every box of everything in the house was opened, but still mostly full of their proper contents.

And then The Works goes, "Dudes... they got my f'ing guitar." The Works is a southpaw, and his was the only guitar in the house he could play. Tragic, really.

After that, we all started realizing what of ours was missing. Standard pawn-shop-hackable stuff. Guitars and cameras, mostly. But to top if off, they somehow broke our coffee-maker, and took a couple bottles of Johnnie Red (which, of course, we were saving for sparing celebratory sips). AND they took a bunch of my Magic cards, the hooligans! I bet they don't even play. It's a shame.

But our hearts still beat for Nashville. We're just going to have to encase then in iron, now. No problems. Just, if you ever decided to rob us, please don't break our coffee maker.


  1. Hey sucks about the break in dudes. But your concert rocked, I'm in the Yowlumne group (Pocket Flap). Just checking out the site.

  2. i actually just shed a little tear when it said the works' got his guitar stolen.
    that angers me , it really does.
    and what the eff, one does not steal another mans magic cards.
    you should go to the pawn shops around town and look, and also ebay as well.
    what kind of guitar was it...i will creep all over ebay and craigslist.

    this sucks, it really does.
    i promise, i will shank whoever did it with a vegetable peeler & cheese grater.

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry! That really sucks. I mean, they couldn't just steal the stuff, they had to break everything and knock it over too?? And they stole your Magic cards?? Who steals those?

    I'm sorry guys :(

  4. You just stole my pick-up line for if I do move to Tennessee! I was going to say that one to guys at bars when I go out on the town.

    No, you're not going honky, just wonky. Wait...you guys already were wonky. Nevermind.

    Isn't it strange how it seems to happen while you are out doing something productive? The day I got robbed, I was selling raffle tickets as a fundraiser for our DEX chapter.

    The Magic cards are kind of weird. But not as weird as the 5 Tostinos Party Pizzas that my thief took from me. My $1 pizzas?! Seriously?!

    Hope you are able to turn it into a positive as I was. It made me realize material things are just that: things. What matters are the people you love and who love you, and your dreams and aspirations. Those are things thieves CANNOT take from you.

    Much love, as always, and can't wait to see you again!

  5. OMG! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Horrors! OMG. Life! Evil! It sucks so utterly vigorously! May the karma the thieves created land on them like a circus fat lady with a gallon-size stomach that's stuffed butt full with a 72-inch Subway meatball with triple cheese.

  6. :/ That sucks...

    But, um, I can't say I'm surprised, all things considered. At least install a security system and don't do things to make yourselves obvious targets or make it obvious you're going away for an extended period of time *cough* load in, load out of gear in driveway *cough* In...less than ideal... neighborhoods of big cities, you'll get hit every time it's obvious you're not at home. Which for you boys will be very very often...

    At lest you haven't had a forearm length switchblade pulled on you/the attack dog, had everything you carried cased out and then were followed over half the way home. That was a fun one. (My aunts I go visit in Boston live in a nice HUUUGE Victorian house where the neighborhood has gotten quite rough. Actually, as a rule, neighborhoods with old big houses in cities ARE rough. Especially houses that are fixeruppers.)

    If it makes you feel better, coffee makers break without thieves. And at least you didn't get cut up by it when it happened. Worst breaking coffee maker story I have:
    I was angry/upset about something (I'm not allowed to touch ANYTHING when I'm upset, especially speakers and electronics; one I blow out, the other I blow up) and thought coffee would make me happy and cheer me up. Normally it does. So, I've got a full French press of coffee steeped and steaming. I go to plunge the coffee, get about a third of the way down and the entire thing explodes. Coffee, blood and glass go EVERYWHERE.

    I ended up on the ground laughing after the surprise wore off and sported scars like slicing for a couple months.

  7. Guys that really sucks. When I read that, I was like "how did their guitars get stolen if they were using them to play a show?" and then I remembered you all have multiple guitars...

    You would've thought by now that you'd have better luck with break ins--first Van Go in Chicago, now your home in Nashville..hopefully your luck will change.

    Love you guys and glad that you're all at least safe.
